Preparing Your HVAC System for Autumn

Sep 11, 2023

We hate to be the bearer of bad news … but autumn is on the way. With the days becoming shorter the last thing you want to do is to turn the heating on just to realise that your system isn’t working as it should be! This will leave you paying more for your energy bills and feeling the full force of the colder weather. Preparing your HVAC system for the change in season is crucial to ensure a comfortable and energy-efficient transition.

So, whilst you enjoy the last few weeks of summer here are five things that you can do to make sure that your HVAC system is all set for the change in season.

1. Replace Air Filters

One of the first steps we would recommend is to change your system’s air filters. The purpose of an air filter is to remove harmful particles from the air in your building with the amount depending on the efficiency of your air filter. Throughout the summer, filters can accumulate dust, pollen making it harder for the system to pull air in and therefore reducing the air quality. A strained HVAC system has to work harder than normal, driving up your energy bill. A clean filter promotes efficient heating and prevents unnecessary strain on the system. Regular filter replacements are a simple yet impactful way to enhance indoor air quality and ensure your HVAC system’s optimal performance during autumn.

2. Clean and Inspect Outdoor Units

Similar to your air filter your outdoor HVAC unit can accumulate leaves, dirt and debris during the summer months, hindering the performance. This is why it’s a good idea to clean the outdoor unit thoroughly and clear away any obstructions that might have accumulated. Additionally, it’s important to ensure there’s proper clearance around the unit to facilitate adequate airflow. This allows your system to work efficiently and increases the lifespan. As we lead towards late autumn and winter you can cover your air conditioner to protect it. It’s important to note that covers should only shield the top of the unit and should be breathable to not lock in moisture and damage the electrical components.

3. Schedule a Professional Inspection

Autumn is a great time to have a professional HVAC technician inspect your system. This should be part of planned maintenance, integrity and safeguarding against the following hazards.

· Poor air quality and contaminated ductwork due to poorly maintained HVAC/Duct systems

· Bacteria, mould and fungus breeding grounds in air handling units and filters

· Long term reduced efficiency and integrity of the system. If the accumulation of dust and loose corrosion remains within HVAC/Duct systems, it weakens system integrity.

· An increased risk of fire from the build up of debris within exhaust re-circulating systems and kitchen /gallery extracts

We would recommend getting a comprehensive inspection to identify any potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs. Early detection and maintenance can prevent unexpected breakdowns and ensure that your system runs smoothly throughout the year.

4. Check heat specific parts

It’s important to check that the heating specific parts of your system work and that you’re all set for colder weather. If you have noticed any comfort issues or performance problems, it’s best to get those looked at before the colder weather arrives. By scheduling HVAC services and making repairs, you can be sure that your heating system will be working properly. Adjusting your thermostat settings for the autumn season is a smart way to balance comfort and energy savings. You can lower the temperature when relevant to reduce energy consumption and lower your utility bills. Many modern thermostats offer programmable and even smart capabilities, allowing you to control your HVAC system remotely for maximum convenience.

5. Leak inspection and insulation

The integrity of your HVAC system’s ductwork directly impacts its efficiency. Leaky ducts can lead to heat loss, reduced indoor comfort and increased energy usage. The faster these can be sealed the better as it will prevent conditioned air from escaping and ensures that your HVAC system operates efficiently, providing consistent warmth throughout autumn. As energy bills have risen throughout this year it’s also a good idea to check your insulation to make sure no air is being lost.

Each building’s HVAC needs may vary, so it’s always a good idea to consult with a certified HVAC technician to tailor these steps to your specific system and requirements. Our extensively trained and experienced personnel carry out ductwork inspections and surveys of HVAC/Duct systems. We use only the latest technology and procedures ensuring continuous and efficient operations.

We provide on completion of our ductwork inspection and survey, a detailed report showing the condition of the ducting. The report includes videos photographs taken of specific components from any drawings provided, of the full inspection. VHS uses a 40meter duct inspection camera to accurately record the condition of ducting. For areas that are not accessible, our engineers will cut in new access doors to provide photographs where possible, giving a thorough and detailed overview of the ductwork. Reach out to us for a free quote!

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