Air Handling Unit Maintenance: Key Practices for Optimal System Performance

May 13, 2023

Welcome to VHS’s new blog, where we share our industry knowledge and expertise to help you achieve the best performance from your air handling unit (AHU). In this article, we will delve into the essential practices for maintaining your AHU system, ensuring its optimal performance and contributing to a healthier indoor environment. So let’s get started!

Regular Cleaning of Your Air Handling Unit

One of the fundamental aspects of Air Handling Unit maintenance is regular cleaning. Over time, dust, dirt, and other contaminants can accumulate within the unit, which can lead to negative impacts on its efficiency and air quality. By scheduling routine cleaning sessions, you can prevent clogged filters and reduce strain on the components, leading a healthy working environment.

Filter Replacement

Filters play a vital role in trapping airborne particles and maintaining clean air circulation. Regular filter replacements are essential to prevent the build-up of pollutants and maintain proper airflow. We recommended following the manufacturer’s guidelines for filter replacement intervals as per Notes to table 6, No:2. VHS recommend choosing high-quality filters that are suitable for your specific AHU system.

Inspection and Lubrication

Periodic inspection of your AHU as per B&ES TR/19 Table 6 is crucial to identify potential issues and address them promptly. Inspect belts, pulleys, fans, and motors for signs of wear or damage. Lubricating moving parts such as bearings and motors can reduce friction, extend their lifespan, and ensure smooth operation.

Condensate Drainage

Efficient condensate drainage is vital for preventing moisture buildup within the AHU that causes mold, termites, and other damage. Regularly inspect and clean the condensate drain pans therefore ensuring that they are free from debris or blockages. Proper drainage will help prevent microbial growth, leading to maintained system performance, and minimised risk of water damage.

Professional Air Handling Unit Maintenance Services

Performing routine maintenance tasks is extremely important. However, we highly recommend engaging professional cleaning and services so you can get the most out of your AHU. VHS trained technicians can conduct thorough inspections, identify potential issues, and provide expert solutions that keep your AHU running smoothly. Our expertise will ensure that your system remains in optimal condition, therefore minimizing the risk of breakdowns and maximizing its lifespan.

At VHS, we are dedicated to delivering top-notch cleaning services that help clients achieve optimal performance from their AHU systems. If you need professional assistance or have any questions about AHU maintenance, feel free to reach out to our team of experienced technicians. Together, let’s ensure a clean and comfortable environment for everyone.

Remember, a well-maintained AHU system is the foundation of a healthy and productive space!

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